Legal and Legislative Services

Legislative & Records Responsibilities

The Legal and Legislative Services Department is responsible for supporting legislative matters and decisions of Council. Responsibilities include agenda preparation, recording of official minutes, administration and certification of bylaws and the execution of all legal documentation. The department administers the Corporate Records Management Program and is responsible for compliance with Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation. The triennial general local and school district elections as well as by-elections and referenda are conducted through the Legal and Legislative Services Department.

Liaison Duties

The Legal and Legislative Services Department is the liaison between the contract legal service providers, Council and staff. The department is also responsible for providing Council with up-to-date legislative, statutory and procedural information in the increasingly complex legal environment in which local governments operate.

Risk Management

The Risk Management program for loss control and insurance is also a function of the Legal and Legislative Services Department.

  1. Physical Address
    11995 Haney Place
    Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9

    Fax: 604-467-7329