What is a Heritage Revitalization Agreement?

Heritage Revitalization Agreements (HRAs) are a legally binding agreement negotiated by the City and an owner of heritage property. An HRA can vary zoning regulations such as permitted uses, setbacks, density, height, and parking requirements in exchange for restoring a heritage resource and designation.

To ensure the conservation of the historic house, the City’s Heritage Procedures Bylaw requires a Heritage Conservation Plan at the time of application and the Plan must be prepared by a Registered Heritage Professional (CAHP member). Applicants looking to explore the HRA option are strongly encouraged to contact City staff and also engage a Registered Heritage Professional early in the process.

Show All Answers

1. What is Heritage?
2. How do I know if my property is heritage?
3. What are the implications of having my property listed on the Heritage Register?
4. What is a Heritage Alteration Permit and when is it required?
5. What is a Cultural Landscape?
6. What is a Heritage Revitalization Agreement?
7. What is a Heritage Zone?
8. What is a Heritage Conservation Area?
9. What are Heritage Conservation Covenants?
10. What are Heritage Incentives?