Resident Services

The City of Maple Ridge works tirelessly to bring the best services possible to our residents.

Maple Ridge is a community that has one of the most incredible natural settings in British Columbia. Our southern border is the Fraser River, where our community was founded and neighbourhood names like Port Haney, Port Hammond, Whonnock and Ruskin resonate due to the early settlement along the river which was the lifeblood of the community back in 1874 when we were incorporated. The northern boundary is equally spectacular with the Golden Ears and Coast mountains providing us with breathtaking views year round. This is a great place, by any measure.

Things to Do

Maple Ridge is a great place to live because of its breathtaking natural setting and the amazing people that are your friends and neighbours. Here are some links to the places and organizations that make this home.


For more information on housing-related topics for residents, please see the resources below: