Remembrance Day

“To you from failing hands we throw the torch; be yours to hold it high.” - John McCree

November 11 | Memorial Peace Park

Join us in Memorial Peace Park to honour those who have given their lives in defense of our nation. On the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, and of the eleventh month, we gather to pay our respects to those who have fallen, those who served, and those who are serving with our armed forces. Click here for a map showing the parade route and applicable road closures.

  • 10:30 AM | Parade Begins 
  • 11:00 AM | Ceremony
  • 11:30 AM | Flags Lowered

Ceremony Details

The ceremony begins at 10:30 AM with a parade through downtown that will end at the Cenotaph in Memorial Peace Park. After the parade, the national anthem is sung, followed by the official ceremony at 11:00 AM. The flags will be lowered at 11:30 AM.

Road Closure

A road closure and detour will be in place to accommodate the Remembrance Day parade and ceremony. Here is a map with road closure, detour and parade information. This detour will be in effect from 9:15 AM – 12:30 PM. Please follow detour signs to avoid traffic delays, and thank you for your understanding.


We recommend that, if possible, you walk or use transit to get to this event. Town Centre underground parking will be available, but not all entrances will be open due to road closures and detours. The parking entrance from Edge Street (next to the ACT Arts Centre) will be open.

Get Involved

Royal Canadian Legion

The Royal Canadian Legion has a number of initiatives in which we encourage you to get involved. Please read below or visit them online for more information.