Town Centre Area Plan

Preparing for Growth

The Town Centre area is expected to grow by close to 14,700 people over the next decade, which is 50% of the total expected population increase for all of Maple Ridge to 2021. Such an increase in residential growth will in turn generate a greater demand for commercial activity for this area. The Town Centre Area Plan was adopted in November 2008 and focuses on accommodating this growth in a sustainable manner, that includes pedestrian-oriented development, a bicycle friendly community and Development Permit Guidelines that include green building techniques.


Emphasizing that the downtown has a high capacity for accommodating residential growth, the Town Centre Area Plan was based on the background work of the Town Centre Concept Plan. This document was produced with extensive community consultation and collaboration with outside agencies who participated in Smart Growth on the Ground. Maple Ridge was the first British Columbia community to take part in this collaboration, which strives for future development to provide options for the car, to work in harmony with nature, resulting in buildings that are "greener and smarter," housing that serves many needs, jobs that are close to home and an attractive, vibrant town core.

Growing Together - Visioning Your Town Centre

Why are we doing this?

Maple Ridge Council has recognized this growth and change and wants to ensure that the evolution of the Town Centre is positive and leads to greater vibrancy within this core part of the Community.

What is the Town Centre Area Plan?

The Town Centre Area Plan (TCAP) was adopted in 2008 with a vision for creating more density, mixed-uses, and green spaces, while creating a pedestrian-oriented environment. With this Plan in place, the Town Centre of Maple Ridge has been experiencing a significant amount of redevelopment and change over the past five to ten years.

Map of Maple Ridge with the Town Centre Area highlighted in red.

Work To Date

  • On February 23, 2021, an outcomes report of the public engagement was presented at Council Workshop. Ultimately, the Town Centre Visioning engagement process re-affirmed the direction of the Town Centre Area Plan continues to resonate with Maple Ridge residents. The report also offered possible next steps.
    • To read the full February 23, 2021 report, click here
    • To watch the February 23, 2021 Council Workshop meeting, click here.
  • Currently, the land use policies specific to the Port Haney area are being reviewed. The Port Haney area is a precinct within the Town Centre Area Plan (TCAP) boundary and is subject to the TCAP's land use policies. At the February 8, 2022, Council Workshop, Council directed staff to take a closer look at the TCAP policies applicable to the Port Haney area as the area is subject to lower density policies than other areas in the Town Centre.  To read the February 8, 2022 report, click here.  The Port Haney Land Use Policy Review process will examine current permitted uses and explore an increase in maximum building height, while maintaining and enhancing desirable features for the area.  Staff collected feedback from residents throughout the spring and summer of 2022.

Want to stay in touch?

Updates on the Town Centre Area Visioning Process will be provided online as well as via email. If you wish to be included on the Email List, please send us an email at

Check back regularly for information about the Town Centre Area Visioning Process.

Town Centre Visioning Report