By enforcing our bylaws, the City preserves the order and way of life that many Maple Ridge residents have become accustomed to.
The Bylaw, Licensing & Community Safety Department investigates and responds to complaints received about bylaw violations in the City of Maple Ridge. Bylaw enforcement generally refers to a host of actions directed at obtaining compliance with local government bylaws, including:
- educating the public about regulatory rules
- conducting inspections to ensure that the rules are being followed
- leveraging voluntary compliance with the rules where possible
- seeking consequences for contraventions where compliance is not forthcoming or harm has been done to the community
Anonymous complaints are not accepted and will not be actioned. There is a limit of three (3) non-recurring complaints per complainant property, per calendar year.
Animal Control Services
BC SPCA does not enforce the City's Animal Control and Licencing Bylaw, but retains
its Provincial mandate to deal with animal cruelty and animal welfare issues. The
emergency contact number for the BC SPCA is 604-879-7343.
For concerns regarding dogs at large, dog attacks including bites, removing dead animals from streets or public areas, unlicensed dogs, barking dogs or for assistance with stray animals, contact the Bylaw, Licensing & Community Safety Department at 604-467-7305 or online at
How to File a Bylaw Complaint
You may submit a complaint online, over the phone at 604-467-7305, by email at by regular mail or in person at the Bylaw, Licensing & Community Safety department at the City. When submitting a complaint, you must provide your full name, home address, telephone number along with specific details about the complaint. This information is strictly confidential and will not be released to anyone without the complainant's consent, or if required in a court of law through due process. In these cases we will contact the complainant prior to releasing any information, at which time they have the option of withdrawing your complaint.
Required Information
When submitting a bylaw complaint, be prepared to provide as many details as possible including:
- your full name
- your home address
- your phone number
- address of property involved
- detailed description of violation
- description of motor vehicle with licence plate (if applicable)
- date(s) when violation observed
Anonymous complaints are not accepted and will not be actioned. There is a limit of three (3) non-recurring complaints per complainant property, per calendar year.
All information gathered for Bylaw, Licensing & Community Service complaints is managed in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Complaint Responses
Bylaw Compliance Officers will investigate your complaint as soon as possible. You are encouraged to keep your complaint file up to date and to keep the Bylaw Compliance Officer apprised of the status of your complaint, if the situation improves, worsens or stays the same.
If there is a contravention of City bylaws, Bylaw Compliance Officers will work with the person responsible to voluntarily remedy the situation. The City appreciates your patience in bylaw enforcement matters.
In relation to certain hazardous situations or declared nuisances, City Council may order a person to rectify the situation or take action to eliminate the hazard or damage and require the person to pay the costs incurred to do so. Where compliance with a bylaw is a condition of a licence or permit, Bylaw Compliance Officers may find it necessary to suspend the licence or permit until the person, or persons, comply.
The City appreciates your patience in bylaw enforcement matters.
Bylaw Violations
Some of the more common bylaw violations are listed below.