Backflow Prevention

Protecting drinking water is everybody’s responsibility. Cross connections represent one of the most significant threats to the health and safety of a water supply system.

Backflow Prevention and the Cross-Connection Control Program (CCCP)

The City is committed to providing our residents with safe, clean drinking water in accordance with Drinking Water Protection Act, which included the introduction of the Maple Ridge Cross Connection Control Program (CCCP) in 2011. 

The CCCP ensures the supply of drinking water by eliminating actual and/or potential cross connections within the City's water distribution system by requiring the installation of certified backflow prevention devices on private and public properties.

The City employs a Cross Connection Control Officer to educate the public and inspect commercial, industrial and institutional buildings to ensure compliance with codes, bylaws and enactments. This helps guard against unauthorized and incorrect plumbing work that could otherwise allow contaminated water from entering the municipal drinking water.

Your Responsibility

  • Property owners and occupants have a responsibility to ensure that no cross connections exist on their property, as stated in the Water Service Bylaw 6002-2001.
  • Applicants requesting a Fire Hydrant Use Permit must follow the Permit Conditions for Backflow protection.
  • Property owners are required to test backflow prevention assemblies annually. Testing to be completed by certified testers with all testing reports submitted to the Building Department for review.

Other Responsibilities Include

  • Reporting any cross connections or backflow incidents to the City.
  • Installation, repair and maintenance of all backflow prevention devices and assemblies.
  • Providing City inspectors and utility workers with access to assess buildings and or property for potential or actual cross connections.

Installing a New Backflow Prevention Assembly?

Prior to installation of any backflow prevention assemblies, you are required to complete a plumbing permit application. Installation of any backflow prevention devices to be completed by a registered plumber. Once the installation of the device is complete, it will need to be inspected. At the time of inspection, a Backflow Assembly Report will be required.

Installing Inground Irrigation?

Homeowners with an inground irrigation system are required to test the backflow prevention device yearly and submit testing reports to the Building Department.

Guides and Forms

Backflow Prevention Assembly Test Report

Plumbing/Sprinkler Permit Application

Additional Information

Water Service Bylaw 6002-2001-Amending Bylaw No. 6825-2011