Property Taxes are based on the assessed value of the property being taxed. Explore below to find out more about how the calculations are made.
General Information
The amount of property tax you pay is based on your annual property assessment from BC Assessment. If you wish to appeal your assessment, please contact BC Assessment before the end of January.
We will send out your property tax notice in late May or early June, and the payment is due on the first business day in July.
The Property Tax Notice is made up of taxes set by the City of Maple Ridge, utility services, as well as for services provided by other taxing authorities.
For information or enquiries regarding the taxes levied by other taxing authorities, please contact them directly:
School Taxes 1-888-355-2700
Metro Vancouver 604-432-6200
Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority (TransLink) 604-953-3333
BC Assessment 1-866-825-8322
Municipal Finance Authority 250-383-1181
General definition: Property Tax Rate (also known as the mill rate) is the amount of tax payable per dollar of the assessed value of a property.
Used to calculate the amount of property tax for each property
Determined each year using all the assessed values of all the properties in Maple Ridge
The Residential Mill Rate is the amount of tax payable per $1000 dollars of assessed value
Each property may be subject to flat rate charges in addition for various utility services
An increase in your assessment does not necessarily mean an increase in your property taxes. Property tax changes are impacted by your assessment's change relative to your community's average assessment change.
The video below, from BC Assessment, explains what could happen to your property taxes if your assessment is lower, higher, or similar to the average change for your property class.