Capital Works Program

The Capital Works Program is a long-range (20 year) corporate work program that identifies proposed capital expenditures over the duration of the program.

Program funding is allocated from a range of sources including general revenue, development cost charges, water utility, sewer utility, capital works, and other reserves.
The budget in the first year of a financial plan is usually higher than subsequent years because it includes projects approved in prior years that are not yet complete, but are still a priority. Projects may take several years to deliver and their progress is often dependent on many factors. What is important is that when the projects are ready to proceed, they are in the approved budget with funding in place.

On December 9, 2024 Council approved the 2025-2029 Capital Program, which outlines the City's strategic investments in infrastructure and community enhancements over the next five years. This plan reflects the City's commitment to responsible financial planning and ensuring long-term sustainability.

Most Recent Capital Works Program Listing