Do I need to appear in person for the hearing?

No. If the disputant cannot appear in person, prior to the scheduled hearing date they may submit a written submission or arrange for a conference call.

Show All Answers

1. Why is adjudication used?
2. How can I pay a Bylaw Notice or Municipal Ticket?
3. How do I dispute a Bylaw Notice or Municipal Ticket?
4. What happens at the adjudication hearing?
5. Can I dispute a Bylaw Notice or Municipal Ticket if it paid?
6. What is an adjudication hearing?
7. What happens if I am unable to attend the hearing?
8. Do I need to appear in person for the hearing?
9. Can I appeal the adjudicator’s decision?
10. Can the adjudicator consider my financial situation?
11. What happens if I do not pay the penalty for the violation?